Mike Albert's "Ultimate Tribute" show has become known worldwide for the respectful portrayal of the late Elvis Presley. The show had its beginnings with Mike using sing-a-long tapes of Elvis' hits. Mike won several major world "Elvis" contests, and demand for his shows resulted in putting together a seven piece Big "E" Band, to emulate the sound Elvis' band had in the Vegas shows and on tour. An appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show and being featured in six music videos on the national show "A Current Affair", with Maury Povich, further exposed audiences to Mike's talent.
The actual vocal groups that backed Elvis, (the Legendary Jordanaires and J.D. Sumner and the Stamps Quartet), have toured across the U.S., Europe, and as far as Australia and New Zealand, with Mike's show at many large conventions and theaters. Mike's style and charisma and his ability to get the audience involved in the show have proved to be quite the crowd pleaser. Fairs, festivals, dinner shows and large car cruises have established a long-term relationship with Mike and his band that draws sold-out crowds year after year. Highlighting Mike's career was an invitation to do the Miss Tennessee beauty pageant, with a full orchestra and choreographed dance routines, and a repeat invitation three years later.